Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The Rabbits

Write a well-developed paragraph explaining what you believe is the most important message of "The Rabbits." You will be sharing your paragraph with your table group.

My opinion ahead to the story might be different or wrong but I portrayed an image of Australians and British to prove my view of important message. The numbats symbolizes the Western Austrailans and the fassions of Rabbits are similar to British. Furthermore, the life style and equipments they use are totally different. This way I knew that this story is going to be similar to the history of Australia. To give an short summary of "The Rabbits", the rabbits came over to the new land and start to colonize. Rabbits just started to build their new industries and buildings. They fought but the numbats lost, than the rabbits took over their whole land. Numbets were genocided. Then, the numbats couldn't stop the rabbits. I believe that this book's most important message is that people's ambition is too greedy and if they keep doing it, they will not able to stop them. Thus, before someone does something which ruin the others' entire lives, someone should fight against them to stop like an hero.

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